Valuable & Good Source of
Infomation from past topic thread:

Questions on how to downgrade, where to find
doctors for downgrade, chao keng and malingering will be
Extracted from here:
NSmen must update their NS HRCs
if they should develop any new medical condition or if their
existing medical condition has worsened which might affect their
ability to perform their duties during ICT. Arrangements will then
be made for them to attend a medical review at the SAF medical
centre to assess their fitness for NS.
The NSmen MUST bring along all investigation results and
memorandums from his external physician/specialist during the
medical review. Depending on the outcome of the medical review, the
NSman may be given a medical certificate to defer him from ICT, be
scheduled for a medical board to downgrade him if his medical
condition is significant, or referred to a restructured hospital
for further investigation. In the event that the medical officer
determines that the NSman’s medical condition will not affect his
ability to participate in the ICT, he will allow the NSman to
attend the ICT.
Physical Employment Status
PES A (L1) = Fit for all
combat vocations. (Full BMT)
PES B (L1) = Fit for
most combat vocations. (Full BMT)
All PES A and B1 will
be followed by the L-Code (Land Deployability Code) as
L1 – Fit for all field duties including frontline duty.
Can be deployed in Manoeuvre vocations and be involved in direct
PES Bp = Fit
for obese Full BMT (applicable to obese recruits).
PES B2 (formerly called
C1) - Fit for
some combat vocations. Required to take IPPT but can be excused up
to 2 static stations in IPPT.
PES B2 grading
will be followed by the L-Code (Land Depolyability Code) as
L1 – Fit for all field duties including frontline duty.
Can be deployed in Manoeuvre vocations and be involved in direct
L2 – Fit for most field duties. Can be deployed in
Manoeuvre vocations of Brigade HQ level units and above, and/or
Combat Support vocations in frontline units of Battalion and above,
and/or Combat Service Support vocations at all echelons.
L3 – Able to bear firearms and operate in a field
environment. Can be deployed in Combat Support vocations of
Brigade HQ and above, and/or Combat Service Support Vocations at
all echelons.
PES C = Fit for combat
service support vocations. (Modified BMT)
Further subdivided into:
PES C2 - Do not have to take IPPT
for NSF/ NSman, except regulars who are required to take
Alternative Aerobic Fitness Test (AAFT).
PES C9 - All servicemen not required to take
grading will be followed by L-Code (Land Deployability Code) as
L2 – Fit for most field duties. Can be deployed in
Manoeuvre vocations of Brigade HQ level units and above, and/or
Combat Support vocations in frontline units of Battalion and above,
and/or Combat Service Support vocations at all echelons.
L3 – Able to bear firearms and operate in a field
environment. Can be deployed in Combat Support vocations of
Brigade HQ and above, and/or Combat Service Support vocations at
all echelons.
L9 – Able to bear firearms and protect themselves, others and
property. Can be deployed in Combat Support vocations in Main
Support Area, and/or Combat Service Support vocations of Brigade HQ
and above.
PES D = Temporary unfit for
grading and pending further review.
PES E = Fit for administrative
duties only.
PES E1 - Able to participate in simple observance
parades and LIFE activites.
PES E9 - Unfit for any forms of physical
activities; field duties/exercises.
PES E grading will be followed by the L-Code (Land
Deployment Code) as follows:
L9 – Able to bear firearms and protect themselves,
others and property. Can be deployed in Combat Support
vocations in Main Support Area, and/or Combat Service Support
vocations of Brigade HQ and above.
PES F = Medically
unfit for any form of service.
Upgrading Or Downgrading Of
(From Admin
Point Of View)
Downgrade To PES C/D/E (Perm or
Downgrade to a certain PES status will mean
that you due to your medical condition you are no longer fit to be
in your current vocation.
This means that you will be re-vocate to a vocation that suits this
PES status.
1.) Re-vocation is done by the SAF and not choosen by the
2.) Re-vocation depends on PES grading.
3.) Re-vocation will also mean you can be re-depolyed to another
formation, unit or camp altogether.
Upgrade From PES C/D/E
For: Enlisted as PES E or Temp PES E Status
PES E Upgrade to PES A, B or C will mean a re-vocation. You will be
required to take your BMT in accordance to your PES status (in
Tekong). And subsequent Re-vocate to your new vocation.
PES A/B/C Downgrade/Upgrade BMT
This section is applicable to those who downgraded or upgraded to
any of the PES A/B/C
1.) If the person completed and PASSED his BMT course then dun need
to recourse liao. This applicable to those who downgrade/upgrade
after BMT.
2.) If the person completed but FAILED his BMT then recourse is a
must. This is regardless if he is downgraded or upgraded. As long
as u neber pass ur BMT u have to redo again. Of course in
accordance to ur PES status.
3.) If the person OOC during BMT and downgrade. Then yes, u must go
for recourse. Yes, even those OOC just before the POP. No
This is because, u neber complete and pass ur BMT.
4) PES C Need to do Reservist?
5) PES E Need to do Reservist?
Maybe, if need.
Put on Reserve Holding List (RHL) =/=
Mindef Reserve (MR) / Stand down